Obviously a film I hold in such high regard is never going to get a bad review... but seriously this movie is a must see for anyone who considers themselves a fan of the horror genre.
Based on the 1971 novel of the same name, the Exorcist followed quickly to movie theatres in 1973
and of course gained a reputation as one of the most extreme films ever made, and in my opinion is still up there.... I have the extended directors cut of this film so its hard to be sure what was included in the original but this holds up very well on DVD, the image capture and resolution is sharp as ever (as opposed to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre).
It is also important to take into account that the era in which this movie (along with Rosemary's Baby and The Omen) was made, religion was a lot more powerful, spectre like entity that hung over the heads of much of the western world and a movie like this would have struck fear into many a god fearing movie goer and inciting outrage from the church at large. As someone that grew up catholic and with a life long interest in the occult I think its very important movies such as this were made....
The plot follows the unearthing of a occult deity, PAZUZU in Iraq. (Pazuzu is the god of all fevers and plagues in Sumerian mythology) and posesses a young girl, Reagan with obviously horrifying consequences in both the possession itself and the following attempts to exorcise said demon from the young girl.
Not being alive at the time of release of this film its hard for me to say what exactly offended everyone, there is a fair level of horror / violence and coarse language in the film, but I suspect it hits more at the heart of the Christian faith and exposes the ugly side of faith and more importantly the seldom used ritual of the exorcism itself. Whether or not you believe, this film will certainly make you think twice, and that's the mark of a great film.
The movie itself is well acted, well thought out and perfectly executed.... there is really nothing that anyone can fault with this film, all in all one of the greatest horror movies ever made.
In fact, would recommend anyone to go and get the deluxe edition of the movie with as many extra's as possible as its all interesting and provides a valuable insight into the making of such a land mark film. If you have seen this film before, see it again there are many finer points that come out with a second or third viewing as well.
I couldn't find a streaming version of this on youtube but its well worth going out and getting a copy to own or mail ordering it.!
for more great horror movie reviews and other stuff be sure to check out http://www.gorenography.com
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