Of course the family get a great deal from their real estate agent and decide to move into the house.... It starts off great but within days the family start turning against each other against a back drop of bizzare occurrences... none of which point immediately towards the supernatural but when put together test patience and nerves of the father, and start tearing the family apart bit by bit.
After consulting with medium friend of George's it is ascertained the house resides on a burial ground of some sort and there is definitely something bizzare going on and the previously the house was occupied by a satanist.... either way the energy
surrounding the house hasn't dissapated or moved on and is still angry
The film itself doesn't have a lot of blood or gore but is a rather well written and shot piece which captivates the viewer without having to resort to this stuff. I really loved watching this film and can't believe I got so far into my adult life without having watched it before. Id say it would appeal to the same crowd that liked watching Rosemary's Baby, or it could be compared to a less explicit version of the Exorcist or the Omen, with dark religious imagery setting the scene for what is a genuinely engrossing film
For more great horror movie reviews be sure to check out http://www.gorenograhy.com
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