I'm going to be honest and say I'm not entirely sure what the movie is about, basically there's zombies and stuff, but I got distracted by some off color production work, very unprofessional... the movie seemed in focus for a bit and then went an off color yellow … then back in and this, where I started to focus on finding fault with the movie rather than focusing in on what was going on.
As you could imagine .. I couldn't make it through to the end so whatever... glad I didn't pay much for this one (again it was a flea market punt) but it is a shame to see the "...Living Dead" name dragged through the mud and its also a shame to see Tom Savini wasting his time on such crap. I can't honeslty give this one any kind of recommendation unless your some sort of "Living Dead" completist or you compulsively collect horror down to this level. Best avoid.
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